The Protect Our Players (POP) Program

Melbourne’s Newest Football Injury Prevention Program

How to do the program

  1. Read the coaches education PDF (below)

  2. Watch the exercise tutorials whilst referring to the program flyer (below)

  3. Commence program

  4. Start at Level 1 and do this for a minimum of 4 weeks

  5. Remain on Level 2 for a further 6 weeks

  6. Only transition to Level 3 if all players are comfortable to do so

Exercise Tutorial Playlists

The videos below are part of YouTube playlists. Each video contains the exercise for level 1, 2 and 3. Please refer to the program flyer when viewing videos.

(Due to COVID-19, it was not possible to record demonstrations with football players as intended. Instead, videos will be demonstrated by an individual and diagrams presented for set up instructions.)

  • Find the link here

  • Find the video playlist here

  • Find the video playlist here

  • Find the video playlist here

  • Find the video playlist here